WED 9-11 24: I don't know why I wanted to come back to school all summer long. It's already not going so great. I'm most likely failing a big percentage of my classes, I have little to no friends, i'm still weird and quiet... I just can't win when it comes to school, can I? I told myself that i'd be more sociable, more likeable, and that'd i'd pay attention in class to get better grades. But i've failed all of that already, and it's the third week of school. But i guess i have the rest of the year, right? I still have time to get things going how I want them to; at least I hope so... I really need to pull myself together this year. I learned absoluetly nothing last year and the way things are going so far, that's going to be the same story for this year. I also need to make some more friends, somehow. I mean, i'm not friendless, so that's a win, butmy friends there are... interesting to put it nicely. So in a way i'm winning, but am I actually winning? I'm just already so done with this... I wish I could ddrop out, but that's "wrong" and "unethical." What point in my life am I going to need to find X? When am I going to need to know the mitocondrea is the powerhouse of the cell? When am I going to actually need any of this? It's all so worthless to me. But hey, maybe it's not and i'll just live in a cardboard box on the side of the road in the future. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if that's how things go for me in the future. I know I joke about that a lot, but I truly do know that i'll never do anything exceptional. I will never do anything amazing or outstanding in any way. I'll be lucky to be living. But I still have time to think upon all of that, thank God. I just hope this year goes as planned, or at least decently at best.